Terrier Links/Resources

Breeder Directory

Border Terriers have a tough wiry outercoat to protect them from the elements, and a soft undercoat to keep them warm. BTs should be stripped, not clipped, to preserve their weather-resistant coat.


An excellent tutorial on grooming the border terrier can be found on the BTCA website.

Grooming tools can be purchased at dog shows, or off of the web. There are some excellent videos out there on grooming.

And of course, there are excellent groomers out there if you don’t want to do it yourself.bartlett grooming


If you’re looking for a border terrier, be sure to purchase one from a reputable breeder.

Contact Doris Aab for BTCR breeder referral information, or to be added to the breeder directory.

Below is a list of local area breeders who have paid to advertise on the BTCR website.

holsen border terriers

Border Terrier Resources

Border Terrier Club of America
The Border Terrier National Club

Border Terrier Club of Ontario (Canada)

Border Terrier List on Yahoo!
Other BT owners share their experiences; great resource both for those new to the breed and for experienced BT owners.

BTCR members only group on Yahoo!
Email other members, share information about events, and post anything of interest concerning Border Terriers.

American Kennel Club
All-breed information, performance event information, conformation, registration information, education, etc.

The most comprehensive list for conformation and performance events.

Training Resources

Clicker Solutions
Website devoted to techniques and tricks for training your dog in a positive way.

Karen Pryor
One of the founders of clicker training, her site is an excellent resource for finding trainers and for training your dog.